Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Year Book

I had taken photo with my class "twelve social 2" on Pabrik Soda, Surabaya, for year book. I just want to the point, i was dissapointed with this! My friend gave that photo in my flashdisk, then i opened on my PC and i found so much "piiiip" photo. All of 403 photo's i just found 10 photo's of me, and i looked beautiful just on 3 photo's. I felt it was not fair. Just... Yeah... I thought you know what i mean

Rabu, 28 November 2012

My sweet 17th

Haiiiiiiiii.... lama nggak posting hehe. 
Hanya sedang mencari mood yang bagus buat posting, dan malem ini mood yang bagus itu datang hehe. 
Yesterday, on 10 november 2012 that was a beautiful date, and it means, i was on sweet seventeen yeayyyyyy. Hmmm SPECIAL! DOUBLE WOW! DOUBLE SPECIAL. My beloved friends, my beloved best friend, my beloved family, my beloved UNYU came on my party. It was so happiness. I feel so happy. Everything was beautiful. Hmm... i just don't know, how could i explain my feeling. But It was happy. And it made me can't sleep after my party, cause something was happen on there hehe. 
What about my feeling on my 17th. Happy. Special. Beautiful. Simple.  
Unfortunately-out off people who came on my birthday-i felt not comfortable with my birthday. Who I was prepared it with myself without being helped other people, with my perfectionist, i wished it could be a perfect birthday by me, exactly. But everything that was too much wishes it won't happen like i want. Like example my cake. It was really really wrong! I mean, my name was wrong on there. And my make up hadn't made me beautiful, i had looked like "aunty aunty". Then, i didn't enough like my photo. Cause i felt that looked so flat. No "angel" made it good. Oooooh... If i could, i would like to get it back and make a really really perfect party by me. 
And this is it all of my photo

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Hari Raya 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
Seneng banget, tahun ini lebarannya bareng bareng, gak kayak yang tahun kemarin hehe. Keluarga besar dari Eyang Uti pada ngumpul semua. Di awali seperti biasa setiap lebaran, aku pasti balik ke rumah, terus sholat di sana dan berunjung unjung ke tetangga terus baru ke rumah Uti. Pas unjung unjung tadi, surprise banget ngelihat tetangga yang dulunya "cupu dan nggak banget" sekarang jadi "iya banget" hmmm... berasa kayak di film thailand "Crazy Little Things Called First Love" ada yang tau film itu? Kalau nggak tau, intinya dulu dia jelek, terus tiba tiba jadi cantik dan semua orang suka sama dia. 
Terus ada orang di "masa lalu" that comes and make my life feels better hehe. Terus yang lebih parahnya ya, nggak dapet THR an gitu dari saudara saudara, katanya udah gede. Hmmm.. jadi iri liat Aya sama Noval yang dapet THR banyak gitu
Theeeeen, i feel not comfortable with the important thing that i can't share in here hehe. Something that really really important and i really need it, it is not comfort for me again. I wanna make it better, but i can't. I am afraid when i will hurt with what i do. Oh damn, i feel so confuse with this feelings
Intinyaaaaaa, Selamat lebaran semuanyaaaaaaaaaa

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012


I said, i look like an angel with that dress hehe. Foto di Bukit Bintang. Keren kaaaaan hihi ^^

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

pengakuan yey

Lagi nggak ada kerjaan malem malem jam 1an gini di Bali. Akhirnya minjem laptop si Icha buat ngebuka blog, mosting foto foto baru pas lagi di Bali, ganti foto profil juga. Terus iseng iseng bacain posting jaman dulu. Dari taun 2010 sampek sekarang. Ngakak. Alay banget ya dulu. Sok bijak gitu bahasanya, mana ada yang baku banget lagi bahasanya, kayak orang yang "yes" gitu. Apapun aku ceritain di sini. Kayak orang bego dan bodooooo banget banget deh. Terus ngeditin satu persatu postingan jaman dulu yang bodo, alay, sok bijak, ah apapun itu. 
Sudah di edit, hati pun aman. Ada beberapa posting yang nggak lagi aku publish hehe. Terlalu norak dan nggak bisa buat ngeditnya hehe. Sorry ya ^^
Terus tau tau sekarang, jadi anak umur 16 taun yang mau lagi mau 17 taun dan dengan gaya baru, mosting pakek inggrisan. Sok banget kan -____- 
Sebenernya bukan karena sok sokan sih, cuma lagi iseng dan suka mempraktikkan hasil les bahasa inggrisku. Dan hasilnya seperti itulah. Mosting bahasa inggris dengan apa adanya yang ada di otak, dan pas lagi ulangan b ing tau nggak dapet berapaaaaaa? 44,45 gitu gitu doang -____- Ya akhirnya terus memperbaiki b ing ku dengan memposting di blog. 
Sudahlah. Memalukan banget kalo baca postingan yang udah lama banget -___- hehe   


I just post my photo on my holiday in Bali with my beloved family. I was wait this holiday. It gonna be my last holiday in this year. I will follow UNAS on my senior high school and thats gonna make me graduation when i succeed. I wish all of teenage that follow UNAS on senior high school will be graduated. Amin
I met more people with more differences in my holiday. I met people who always looking for attention with a freak model. Met people who has a good face. I met more people in here. 
One story from me by Bali. I met someone who handsome in GWK. He has mustache and look so handsome, and we met again in Centro. It made me and my beloved sista so happy. It likes on FTV hehe 
I went to Kuta, Dreamland, Beachwalk, Simpang Siur, Tanah lot, GWK, and more places in Bali.
On that moment, i can forget all of things that make me so bad and bored. I feel so happy in here. I forget my problem and ready to face to the future that will happen. 
For my final value? And with a proud i gave a good thing to my parent. I was in ranking nine in my class and exactly my parents proud of me.  
Happy Holiday Guys ^^

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Every part of life has a plan. We cant run away from it, but we can try to enjoy it even we dislike

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Friendly with wound to know a life
Just like a spinning wheel. Sometimes on top, but sometimes under
I cant believe when i finished this relation with my bestfriend. Maybe i look stupid, i finished it just because she hurted me.
Simply being hurt once. and go, so as not to hurt again
I still be your friend, but not to be your bestfriend.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012


Just wanna cry today. Much problems. I am tired with it. I need more rest, more holidays to make my mind fresh. Hmmmm i have to change some wrong with my self to be better. But i dont know what can i do. Where i have to start. Who will help me. Who will make me strong when someone hurts me. Dont sow seed crimes, i swear you'll be feel what you did. 
To change something that hard, need more times
Just because something wrong that can make you lose your friends
Just because we dislike something thats not mean you can dispose it because you will need what you disposed
Anyone can said anything to me but they dont know what i feel. Is that hurt me. Is that make me down. They dont know. They just know i am false and they are right
To stay in the hard condition, that is so hard
Sometimes i wanna back what happen on the past. I remembered about Widhi, about my parent, about my another bestfriend in Junior High School. I want i can make stupid joke with widhi. He can make me cry, happy, angry. I need him to make me strong in this condition now.
No one knows what i feel today
Anyone can said with easier when i am false without know what i feel. Thats hurt for me
I need a true bestfriend who can help me to change my self. Who cant hurt me when she said something wrong with me

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012


Mau posting tentang seminggu ini deh. Hmmmmm more experiences on this week. Dimulai dari hari Senin, Selasa, Rabu yang terus terusan masih galau gara gara "mas yang sedikit manis" hehe. 
Kamis sekolah dan masih dalam keadaan yang galau gitu hehe, terus "a devil" entry my mind. Jadinya bolos sekolah. Bukan bolos sih tapi cabut. Dari jam 10 sampai jam 3 tepat pulang sekolah. Bolosnya sih karaokean sama anak anak. Ada 6 tersangka nih. Cabut dari sekolah itu juga gak mudah loh ternyata. Harus mengelabui para satpam juga kan. Usai acara bolos membolos itu. 
Hari Jumatnya ada pelajaran wali kelas terus ngecek absen gitu deh. 6 tersangka ini di suruh maju ke depan, di tanya kemana aja kok absennya "A" yaaaah ngibul gitu, terus gak taunya ortu di suruh ke sekolah  hari Sabtunya. Udah yang kayak habis di gebukin aja. Syok lah pasti. Cabut baru pertama aja langsung ketauan. Langsung ngabarin Ayah, terus dapet omelan begitulah. Selayaknya orang tua yang kehilangan kepercayaan buat anaknya.
Sabtu malem, izin buat dateng ke acara ulang tahunnya Bee. Sweet seventeen yaaah terus dia kan sahabat ku banget, mau gak dateng juga gak enak. Maksa gitu. Ngerayu pakek acara nangis segala dan tetep gak di izinin. Setelah melalui waktu yang menurut aku panjang dan membuat mata bengkak karena nangis. Akhirnya di bolehin. 
Yang bikin berkesan? 
Jangan pernah bikin kepercayaan orang tua hilang ke anak.
Di tangisin Mamanya Bee karena aku gak bisa dateng. Dan setelah bikin surprice di birthday party nya Bee di pelukin sama Mamanya Bee. I feel so respected what Bee's Mom to do. 
Bee keliatan marah dan kesel gitu. Di kira aku ngibul. Gak ngerti aja dia gimana susahnya minta izin terus nangis nangis karena gak bisa dateng ke ultahnya terus bikin kado dan surprise buat dia. But thats not problem, cause i dont wanna she knows what i do. I just wanna she knows what i do without i tell her. 
Whatever that happens on this week i have more experiences and made me have a good mind, responsibility and many more.